Why choose the PTS Hybrid Migrations service?
1. Peace of Mind – Any migration of a group of IT services has an element of risk to the business. The PTS Migration service has the business at the core of all migrations. The aim is to maintain continuity of the business through the migratory process with the final act of the business accepting it back through the user acceptance testing.
In many cases technical teams undertake a maximum of one or two migrations in the career and this is classed as a project. PTS undertake these as our ‘Business as Usual’ activities, so is able to bring current experience to the project, identifying the most optimum route to success (which is not always in a straight line).
2. Fixed Fee – The challenges for many projects is tasks just don’t get completed in the time required as the focus is lost. In many cases contractor resources will not have an incentive to complete activities as the longer the project the more they earn. PTS deliver the project on a fixed fee for fixed scope. PTS take the risk of the project not delivering on time, meaning you know what the project will cost.
3. Risk Free – Clients will never loose time if the project manager is not available as PTS ensures that multiple resources are allocated to each project and can step in, in an emergency to ensure continuity to the project.
Benefits to the you in the delivery of a Hybrid Migration Project?
You are provided with:
- An agreed and detailed Scope of Works for each Stage of the Project
- A detailed plan and schedule for each Stage of the Project
- A technical team are briefed on the activities, roles and responsibilities throughout the project
- A project teams whose focus is maintaining business operations, minimising downtime and in many cases, projects are delivered with zero downtime through the effective strategies taken to deliver the migration
- A fixed fee for a fixed scope no guessing how much the project costs
- A guaranteed resource for the term of the project, no fear of a contractor walking out halfway through the project, PTS provides Project Managers for the term of the Project
- Assured communications – never know where you are in the project because communications are poor, PTS provides all Project Governance documentation as part of the PTS EPPM service, a clear Communications plan is provided as standard
- A clear leader for your Migration project, all PTS Migration Project Managers are experienced in leading Hybrid Migrations
- A clear plan with guidance for the team, no more worrying whether the technical team not knowing what they need to do – the PTS Project Managers will provide the coaching to the team, agreeing the tasks and activities.
What is the PTS Hybrid Migration Service?
There are many strategies for the Migration of Applications, Data Centre Infrastructure, Data and Networks. All will have an impact in some form on the operation of the business and this can vary from business to business.
The PTS Hybrid Migration Service is run in 3 key Stages:
1. Discovery
2. Design and Planning
3. Fit Out and Migration
1. Discovery
During this stage the PTS Team will look to capture key data to assess the current status of the identified Migration area (Data Centre, Cloud Service, or as part of a separation/demerger). The aim is to gauge the availability and accuracy of current documentation. Provision an audit of the migration scope and to identify where additional work is required to understand the current environment. Where required, PTS can implement a tool to collect Application inter-relationship data and build an Application Architecture Map based on the collected data.
2. Design and Planning
With the collected data and in collaboration with the client subject matter leads, the PTS team develop ‘As is – To be’ technical documents that identifies the current state, the future state and the steps required to take the service from the current to the future state. This will be used as a basis for developing the Migration Plans and developing the schedules for the final Stage of the Project.
During this stage the team will have collected details of the business operating mode including key business periods, change freezes and conflicting projects and programme delivery dates. The team will then develop for approval a Migration Schedule for the migration of services (whether in one move or split into multiple moves). Once approved the team will also develop the Project Schedule to identify the dependent tasks to support the Migration Schedule.
3. Fit Out and Migration
Two key activities in this Stage are the preparatory work to ensure the environment is ready for the Migration of the services. The environment could be the setting up of Data Centre space of the preparation of the Cloud environment. For each nominated Move Event, the PTS Team in conjunction with all the migration team (internal and external resource) will develop the detailed Event Runbooks that identifies the Pre-Migration activities and the detailed tasks for the day to complete the Migration. The Migration Team will undertake rehearsals with walk throughs of the Runbooks to ensure the team understand their activities and tasks.
Post of each migration the Event Migration team provide a period of warranty to ensure there are no new issues raised that are because of the migration activity.
To complete the Migration activities the team also plan and execute the Decommission of services and where available the recovery of equipment and the cancellation of contracted services (networks, Colocation contracts and maintenance agreements).