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PTS | IT Strategy

Our Strategy builds on the back of an IT Due Diligence exercise taking the data collected in the assessment to explore the opportunities and options for innovation available to develop the IT systems and services, so they align to the needs of the business strategy.

We use our own inhouse developed processes to deliver the Strategy, but the core elements of the Strategy are predominantly aligned to the expertise of our advisors to assess, analyse and develop the Strategy, recognising the business drivers, market capabilities and opportunities, technology opportunities and constraints to develop the IT Strategy.

It is important that during the Strategy development that our advisors have an open access to key Stakeholders to validate data, discuss opportunities and gain consensus on the identified options

Our IT Strategy Advisory Service covers the core subjects of business strategy, organisation, governance, technology, applications, and finance.

Our IT Strategy outcome provides you with at least THREE Options (one of which will be a baseline or status quo option) and provides an overview and analysis of the current state, assessment of constraints and provides options for the future with a high-level projection of costs to transform, and a high-level financial comparison analysis across a typical 5 year period, plus a high level roadmap to complete the Project.

Why choose PTS for your IT Strategy?

  • We provide an independent review of your current IT environment
  • We provide a thorough review, assessment and understanding of your current IT infrastructure state
  • We identify your strengths and weaknesses and potential for change
  • We identify the constraints, and risks and issues of your current technology installation and potential transformation opportunities
  • We provide your business stakeholders with a recommendation on how the proposed strategic implementation can aid innovation of the business
IT Strategy